Who am I?

I’m Jess Diamond, a Certified Life & Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer.

My story in becoming a coach for college students and young adults was inspired by the extreme amount of difficulties and transitions I endured from the moment I walked across the stage at my college graduation.

I simply could not land a job after school was over, so the Summer after college was spent in limbo. I finally landed a less than ideal job in Orlando, Florida with a start date of Mid August and thus began my adulting journey.


I first entered the corporate world, as an interior designer, lived in a new city, and had to figure out how to balance this new lifestyle. I was used to time freedom and flexibility and now had to prioritize my day to include my 9-5 job, plus a 30 mile commute! Once I finally felt like I was getting my bearings, the pandemic hit. I literally worked from home for a day and half and then was furloughed for what would later be 6 whole months. In what was very uncertain times for just about everyone, I felt it applied to me especially. 

Now my schedule changed again – as in it became nonexistent. I had too much time on my hands and didn’t exactly know how to fill it or what to do and I felt hopeless in my situation. Looking around and seeing my friends and family still have their jobs, I thought I was the only one going through this period of unemployment. Up until that point, it was unheard of in my life to lose your job.

After a few mental breakdowns, I slowly began to direct my time and energy towards more proactive activities, rather than mind numbing ones. I started reading (to make my mornings as long as possible), took up listening to podcasts, and spent a lot of time outside. I knew I needed to do whatever was possible to help my mental health.

When my initial one month furlough was extended an additional 12 weeks, I knew I would go mad if I did nothing in my day. Thus, leading me to my personal training certification. I immediately began training with an outdoor boot company and fell in love with being in charge, helping people be healthier, and seeing how people left my class happier than when they arrived! 

I wanted to be a personal trainer so bad that it sparked my curiosity in what else I could do to supplement that career switch, leading me to life and nutrition coaching! After 6 months of unemployment, I ended up going back to work in a new interior design job, and once again had to figure out how to adjust my goals and schedule to fit my new 9-5 (luckily without a 30 mile commute).

When I began my coaching certification I also had to learn how to organize my days and weeks to continue personal training and show up to my 9-5 job which went full-time in person by May 2021. Also around this time I decided that when my lease was up the following year I was going to move to Charlotte, quit my corporate job, and pursue my life coaching business!

By the end of 2021, I finalized my plans to move, ended a three year relationships, and began coaching clients more consistently.

Within the first 2 years of adulting I experienced career transitions and losses, relationship changes, and disruptions to my entire identity and way of existing.

Now I help other college students and young adults figure out how to adapt to their changing environment, without feeling like they are losing their marbles every time something shifts in their life.

At Jess Diamond Coaching we focus on every aspect of your life and help every young adult feel like they know what the hell they are doing in this world. Your habits, thought processes, and life as a whole will transform you into a stable twenty-something ready to thrive in any environment – because things will keep changing. 

Together, I help you get through these big, constant changes with confidence and direction.

Because I knew what it was like to feel like you are floating in an ocean with no land in sight, unsure which direction to take and tired of treading the water. I’ve been there and I don’t want anyone else to feel that way. Now, I am thriving in my Charlotte environment and doing what I love every day, but none of this would have been possible without the moment of terror the pandemic and my first job out of college brought. The hardships I overcame molded me to be able to help others figure out how to get through their situation.

Now, it is my mission to help as many twenty-somethings as I can handle life’s major transitions that occur when you move out from under your parents roof. I help them develop a solid foundation in their mental, emotional, and physical health so they can take calculated risks, try new things, and think with their future self in mind; all of which will allow them to up-level their adulting experience and have a clear direction in their life.

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