The RIght way
to resolution

A FREE virtual Masterclass for twenty-somethings who do challenges like Dry January or 75 Hard, don’t want to set cookie cutter goals, and want to learn how to actually get results that support their personal growth journey!

On Wednesday, January 10th, from 7:30pm – 8:30pm EST on Zoom (with replays)!

Input Your Info to Sign Up!!

This is designed to be adapted to anyones version of New Year’s Resolutions – whether that be challenges, monthly goals, intentions, or general ideas.. you still need my process to progress you towards a year you can be proud of!

Do you typically…

  • Set New Year’s resolutions, but don’t plan out how you’re going to achieve them
  • Participate in challenges like 75 hard or Dry January and then resort back to your old ways once it’s over
  • Don’t take into account why you haven’t reached your resolutions in prior years
  • Set broad goals and hope for the best
  • Get overwhelmed with the New Year’s rush and give up on setting a resolution for the next year

If you can relate to any of these bullet points, then you need to sign up for The Right Way To Resolution!!

By the end of this masterclass you will...

  • Set your resolutions and achieve them even after January ends
  • Already start breaking the patterns that have prevented you from reaching your goals in the past
  • Have my 4-step process to getting the goals you want
  • Know what it means to prioritize your decisions to support this goal throughout the entire year

Trust me, I know “New Year, New Me” is redundant. 

Every year you’re faced with the same old shit to be better, eat healthier, workout, save more, date more, etc. Then at the end of every year you realize that you didn’t do anything you set out to back in January.

Which can also demotivate you from trying again next year, with a “why bother” mentality.

But don’t worry, this year is going to be different because you’re going to have my 4 step system in your back pocket!

All you have to do is sign up AND show up – or at least watch the replay!

Seriously, you should sign up!

I’m Jess Diamond and I am a Certified Life & Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer and I help college students and young adults get through life’s big changes with confidence and plan!

I know what it’s like to have a 9-5 desk job; I felt like I was living the same day over and over again and I struggled to adapt to this post-college world. Then, I hacked the life cheat code and want to teach other young adults how to do it, within the context of their life and their goals. 

I know it’s not easy adjusting to life post college, putting on your grown up pants, and facing the real world with practically zero training or insight. Your body isn’t bouncing back the way it used to, your parents can’t call in sick for you, and it’s entirely up to you to take control of your life. I want to help you gain clarity in the direction you want to be headed and the life you want to have. 

This starts with you making the right decision to join me in this next free workshop ;).

You're still reading, so I guess here are all the details:

Who: All young adults and college students

What: A FREE workshop to help you actually achieve your new year’s resolutions this year

Where: on Zoom! (with replays)

When: Wednesday, January 10th from 7:30-8:30pm EST

Why: Because you have yet to follow through on your New Year’s goals and want 2024 to be different

Misc: There will be a worksheet that will be provided on the call and will help you plan out the entire year based on the goal you set out on!


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