Uncover the 5 game-changing steps to confidently redefine your career so it supports your life, values, and goals

A FREE zoom call for young professionals who are ready for something different in their career.

On Wednesday, January 22nd from 7:30pm - 8:30pm EST

Enter your info to join the call!

Because finding a different job is more than submitting an application!

What if you...

Woke up every day with an extra pep in your step because you found a job that fits your needs and desires

Had a step by step plan that cuts through the career confusion and gives you confidence to move forward—without second-guessing yourself.

Finally trusted yourself to make bold moves, knowing you have the right tools and support to succeed

Found a career and company that supports the life you want to live in your twenties and sets you up for success in your thirties and beyond

By the end of this call you will:

Look, I get it...

Figuring out your next career move can feel completely overwhelming and scary.

Maybe you’ve tried searching online, talking to friends, or even made a few attempts to pivot, but nothing seems to stick.

I know how frustrating it is to feel stuck in a job that doesn’t fit, that you’ve outgrown—or to know you’re meant for more but have no idea where to start.

The good news?

You don’t have to do it alone.

It’s time for you to step into the risky side of your twenties that comes with knowing what you want from your career and how you’re going to make that possible.

And what better way to do that than with the guidance of a coach!

POV: you're still scrolling, wondering if this is for you.... IT IS!!! So put your info in below and let me help you 😉

Hi! I’m Jess Diamond and I am a Career and Confidence Coach for young adults, where I help them get their sh*t together and confidently make any changes and transitions in their career.

I am a Certified Health and Life Coach, Nutrition Coach, and Personal Trainer, but before I was all that I was in a crappy 9-5 job because no one taught me how to apply for a job that was a good fit for what I was looking for (or to know what I was even looking for).

Your career consumes so much of your life and time, so it should be supporting the life you want to live outside of it… not take things away.

Which is why I want to help you find your perfect match and the five steps required to give you the confidence to making your next move!

All the details:

WHO: YOU! A young adult who is trying to kickstart their next career move the correct way.

WHAT: A 1 hour FREE zoom call that will give you 5 clear steps to take to help you find your next role.

WHERE: On Zoom (it’s why you need to put in your email to receive the zoom link)

WHEN: Wednesday, January 22nd at 7:30pm EST

WHY: Because you don’t want to end up in another job search in 6-12 months AND you want a career path that is helping you live your life in your twenties.

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