A FREE online workshop for young adults who want to know the steps it takes to meet new people and turn these acquaintances into a best friend.

Wednesday, September 25th from 7:30-8:30pm EDT

Enter your info to claim your spot!

Because it's easy to meet people, but it's hard to meet YOUR people!

Imagine This...

Receiving a text from a friend inviting you to an impromptu dinner on a Wednesday night where you both talk about your life and are genuinely interested in each other’s well-being, goals, and obstacles.


Having plans on the weekend that range from playing pickleball to going to a brewery to laying by the pool and everything in between because you’ve developed friendships that are versatile to any activity.


Calling up a friend nearby to come over and console you when you’re going through a heartbreak, knowing that you can trust this person to be your support system and carry you through this time of your life.

In this workshop you will...

Here's the thing...

We all long for a sense of belonging, it’s in our human nature, so why does making new friends after college feel so difficult?

You know what I’m talking about, the type of friends that we can turn to, trust, confide in, be vulnerable towards.

Well, your twenties are the first time you are thrown into a wide age group with a ton of people. Think about it, all throughout growing up we are placed in small containers that you enter regularly, like classrooms, sports, and clubs where there’s already a select amount of people to develop a connection with. All of that goes away in the real world, making it much harder to find your people and that’s what I want to help you with!

Knowing people is one thing, developing a deeper connection is a whole other story!

This workshop is designed to not only help you make friends, but to make friends who are high quality and perfect for you.

If you made it this far, then you should definitely sign up!

Hi I’m Jess Diamond, The Confidence Coach for young adults to get their sh*t together and own their life!

I am a Certified Life and Nutrition Coach and a Personal Trainer and consider myself to be the one stop shop for twenty-somethings to receive coaching on all aspects of their health and life.

I know what it’s like to go days and weekends with no plans or texts of people in your area checking in on you. I know how difficult it is to make friends in a new city that you can form a close bond with. I also know we outgrow people as we grow into who we are throughout out twenties.

Meaning, we need to learn how to make our own community ASAP! Which is why I created this workshop for you to learn my tips and tricks on how to make meaningful friendships within the context of your life. All you have to do is sign up and join the call!

All the details summed up:

WHO: YOU!! If you identify as a young adult then this is for you!

WHAT: A FREE zoom call focused on making high quality friendships

WHERE: On Zoom silly 🙂 with replays in case you can’t make it live (but you have to sign up to receive the replay)

WHEN: Wednesday, September 25th from 7:30-8:30pm EST

WHY: Because you want to be able to call your mom and talk about how amazing your social life and community is and build your support system with people in your city

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