From Doubt

How to get out of your head and decide to take action in any aspect of your young professional lives!

If you tend to overthink all of the possible scenarios rather than committing to one next move; then you need to join me and learn my process of trusting your instinct!

FREE Workshop! Monday, July 31st at 8pm EST on Zoom! (with replays)

Adults make roughly 35,000 different decisions on a daily basis...

Deciding when to wake up, when to eat, what to eat, what to wear, where to be, what task to tackle first, what to do with your free time

Deciding if this path in life is the one you want to take or if there is a different possibility

Deciding if you want to be with a person, be in a certain city, develop in a particular career

That's a lot of decisions you have to make, isn't it?

Does any of this sound like you:

  • You’re at a cross between a decision you think you should make and one you want to make
  • The people pleaser in you is afraid of who might get hurt by this choice
  • Your brain is clogging your mental capacity with all of the logistics
  • You don’t know if the choice you’re making is the right one FOR YOU
  • You keep going to different friends and family members for their input, but nothing is resonating
  • You continue to run through the different scenarios of both options, leading you to an inconclusive result
  • You are known for your indecisiveness and need help coming to a final conclusion – one that you are in alignment with!!

If you said “yes” to any of the above bullet points, then it’s time for you to join me in From Doubt to Decision!

In this FREE workshop you will learn....

  • The process of how to go from analysis paralysis to trusting your intuition
  • What next step you need to take towards committing to your decisions
  • How to get away from overthinking, feelings of overwhelm, and indecisiveness
  • What to do when future crossroads come into your life 
  • How to trust develop trust in yourself and getting your brain on board

Believe me, you NEED to do this!!!

I know there is some part of your life where….
You’re questioning if what you are doing is the right thing 
You need help committing to a direction, even if it scares you
You need to do as the title says and either love what’s going on or leave it and move on
Regardless of what’s coming up for you, if you’ve made it this far on this page, then somewhere in your heart, you know you need to join me on this zoom call. I can help you gain clarity and confidence in the decisions you make so that you feel good about them and listen to what your gut and your heart is telling you.

I’m Jess Diamond and I am a Certified Life and Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer and known as the one stop shop for helping young professionals get their shit together, SO THAT they can wake up to a life they actually want to live!

I know what it’s like to have a 9-5 desk job; I felt like I was living the same day over and over again and I struggled to adapt to this post-college world. Then, I hacked the life cheat code and want to teach other young professionals how to do it, within the context of their life and their goals. 

I know it’s not easy adjusting to life post college, putting on your grown up pants, and facing the real world with practically zero training or insight. Your body isn’t bouncing back the way it used to, your parents can’t call in sick for you, and it’s entirely up to you to take control of your life. I want to help you gain clarity in the direction you want to be headed and the life you want to have. 

This starts with you making the right decision to join me in this next free workshop ;).

All the details you may need:

Who: Anyone who identifies as a young professional

What: A life coaching call centered around helping you make a decision that you are in alignment with

Where: on zoom!

When: Monday, July 31st from 8-9pm EST

Why: Because you’re tired of overthinking between two options and want help making the one that’s best FOR YOU

Misc: There will be a worksheet included that Jess will guide you through over the course of the call

From Doubt

How to get out of your head and decide to take action in any aspect of your young professional lives!

If you tend to overthink all of the possible scenarios rather than committing to one next move; then you need to join me and learn my process of trusting your instinct!

FREE Workshop! Monday, July 31st at 8pm EST on Zoom! (with replays)

Adults make roughly 35,000 different decisions on a daily basis...

Deciding when to wake up, when to eat, what to eat, what to wear, where to be, what task to tackle first, what to do with your free time

Deciding if this path in life is the one you want to take or if there is a different possibility

Deciding if you want to be with a person, be in a certain city, develop in a particular career

That's a lot of decisions you have to make, isn't it?

Does any of this sound like you:

  • You’re at a cross between a decision you think you should make and one you want to make
  • The people pleaser in you is afraid of who might get hurt by this choice
  • Your brain is clogging your mental capacity with all of the logistics
  • You don’t know if the choice you’re making is the right one FOR YOU
  • You keep going to different friends and family members for their input, but nothing is resonating
  • You continue to run through the different scenarios of both options, leading you to an inconclusive result
  • You are known for your indecisiveness and need help coming to a final conclusion – one that you are in alignment with!!

If you said “yes” to any of the above bullet points, then it’s time for you to join me in From Doubt to Decision!

In this FREE workshop you will learn....

  • The process of how to go from analysis paralysis to trusting your intuition
  • What next step you need to take towards committing to your decisions
  • How to get away from overthinking, feelings of overwhelm, and indecisiveness
  • What to do when future crossroads come into your life 
  • How to trust develop trust in yourself and getting your brain on board

Believe me, you NEED to do this!!!

I know there is some part of your life where….
You’re questioning if what you are doing is the right thing 
You need help committing to a direction, even if it scares you
You need to do as the title says and either love what’s going on or leave it and move on
Regardless of what’s coming up for you, if you’ve made it this far on this page, then somewhere in your heart, you know you need to join me on this zoom call. I can help you gain clarity and confidence in the decisions you make so that you feel good about them and listen to what your gut and your heart is telling you.

I’m Jess Diamond and I am a Certified Life and Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer and known as the one stop shop for helping young professionals get their shit together, SO THAT they can wake up to a life they actually want to live!

I know what it’s like to have a 9-5 desk job; I felt like I was living the same day over and over again and I struggled to adapt to this post-college world. Then, I hacked the life cheat code and want to teach other young professionals how to do it, within the context of their life and their goals. 

I know it’s not easy adjusting to life post college, putting on your grown up pants, and facing the real world with practically zero training or insight. Your body isn’t bouncing back the way it used to, your parents can’t call in sick for you, and it’s entirely up to you to take control of your life. I want to help you gain clarity in the direction you want to be headed and the life you want to have. 

This starts with you making the right decision to join me in this next free workshop ;).

All the details you may need:

Who: Anyone who identifies as a young professional

What: A life coaching call centered around helping you make a decision that you are in alignment with

Where: on zoom!

When: Monday, July 31st from 8-9pm EST

Why: Because you’re tired of overthinking between two options and want help making the one that’s best FOR YOU

Misc: There will be a worksheet included that Jess will guide you through over the course of the call

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